#bossbabesATX ArtLuck Fundraiser

After four months of #bossbabesATX badassery, it has become clear to us that this movement requires the dedication of a full-time team. Thankfully, we've had the community's support, and y'all continue to show up and show us what being a bossbabe means.

We'll be having our very first fundraiser to ease us into this organizational transition on Sept. 27 at West Elm Austin. West Elm approached us with the idea, and we're extremely gracious they've offered their space and resources to us. This fundraiser is an artluck, meaning attendees are encouraged to bring art, give art and get art. We'll also be providing a free creative workshop for guests prior to the event for mingling and making.

Oh, and did we mention we'll have complimentary cocktails, fancy cheeses, booty-bumping music curated by DJ Girlfriend and a photobooth provided by SoLa?

Yup, it's gonna be fun, so get your tickets now.

And in all seriousness, thank you for making this community a real thing. We needed it.

xx, the babes

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