One of the Babes: Annie Finkel
Photo via Annie Finkel
Meet Annie Finkel, one of the artists vending at our August meet. This babe balances a full-time job and her art careerβcough, no easy feat, coughβand we're happy she had some time to answer our questions.
Get to know her in the Q&A below:
Q: What inspired you to start your business? Did you have any role models or learn from someone, in particular?
A: The city of Austin itself played a big role in moving forward with my business. When I moved here I started a new chapter in my life and really had the urge to push myself forward. That's just what I did. I practiced my trade and really pushed myself. Then, I gradually connected with women in the community here and realized that every woman inspires me in her own way. It is a beautiful thing to be built up by other amazing women. Now, here I am!
A shout-out, also, to my family, amazing friends and partner who have always supported me and showed me that hard work pays off. You inspire me every day.
Photo via Annie Finkel
Q: Do you have any tidbits of advice for people with passions, in general?
A: Honestly, just keep doing it. Don't let your own head eat you up. Be a little bit easier on yourself mentally, but work hard!
Q: What have been your favorite moments of creativity?
A: As an artist you really truly never know when creative bursts are coming. I can paint every day but if I'm not feeling it, I will hate my work. I go through months without painting, but if I have creative ideas I always write them down. I find that I most love my work when I am trying something new or out of my elementβit's enticing to me to jump into the unknown. Usually, I produce my best work a day or two before a deadline. Oops!
Photo via Annie Finkel
Q: What have been your most challenging moments in your career, thus far?
A: I have learned that it's important for me to keep vending and doing shows even when I don't make money, because that time is so worth it when I get to connect with other artists. Also, remaining confident in my skills and loving what I do can be a struggleβit's hard not to feel like an amateur sometimes. But you gotta keep on keepin' on!
Q: What's your day job (if this business isn't your day job)?
A: I am a nanny to some of the cutest kiddos on the planet (that's not just my bias talking, I swear).
Photo via Annie Finkel
Q: When you're discouraged, what do you run to or away from?
A: When I am discouraged I run to solitude in nature. Always, always nature. Thrifting usually helps too.
Your favorite band: Lately I cannot get enough of Beach House. Mac Demarco's new album is also a dream.
Your favorite book: I am currently reading "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. I have always been very interested in nutrition, general wellness and whole foods as medicine, so this book is blowing my mind!
Your Austin gem: I will forever and always love Juiceland. Also I can never say no to a trip to End of an Ear.
Your social media: My Instagram account is @anniefinkel, and you can find me on Facebook as Annie Finkel. Be sure to check out my Etsy shop, too!
Photo via Annie Finkel