Local Gem: ATX Street Style
Photo via Shelley Neuman, Text by Ashlee J. Pryor
Today, we're featuring the lovely Shelley Neuman. You might know her as ATX Street Style.
We've been following this babe around for a few years now, but never really had the chance to reach out and connect. Now, she's a huge supporter of #bossbabesATX. (Crazy how this whole meets and retreats thing ACTUALLY works, right?)
Get to know Shelley:
Q: What inspired you to start ATX Street Style?
A: After I graduated from UT with a photojournalism degree, I started feeling a little creatively stifled and lost as to the direction I wanted my life to take. I had stopped taking photos, and decided I needed to start a new project to get myself back into the groove I was in while in school. I was obsessively looking at street style blogs, like The Sartorialist and Tokyo Fashion, and began to wonder if anyone in Austin was documenting street style in our quirky little city. To my surprise, no one was. A few people had started similar blogs, but had given them up. I had/have a passion for documenting the world around me and a budding interest in fashion, so I decided to give it a go. At its inception, I had no idea the doors that starting ATX Street Style would open for me.
Q: Do you have any tidbits of advice for people with passion projects?
A: Never ever let doubt in your own abilities stop you, but before you start anything, do your research. Google until your fingers hurt, read until your eyes bleed, and absorb as much as you can about every aspect of what you want to do. Most importantly, don't be afraid to ask questions. It's amazing what you can learn from setting up a coffee date with someone whose work you admire.
Photo via ATX Street Style
Q: How do you stay inspired?
A: I stay inspired by binging on beautiful things. I'm constantly scrolling through images that inspire me on Tumblr or stalking what my friends are listening to on Spotify to find new music that resonates with me. Introducing my eyes and ears to new things keeps the creativity flowing.
Perhaps my biggest inspiration though is the people I photograph. My personal style and what inspires my everyday looks evolves with each new brand, new store, or new way of wearing a garment I'm introduced to through those I capture with my camera.
Q: What have been your favorite moments of creativity?
A: When I first got the idea to start my blog, I never expected it to receive much attention or lead to the opportunities it has. It mostly started as a way to get myself back to taking photos again. I've met and gotten to collaborate with tons of amazingly talented people, brands and publications who motivate me to keep working hard. The connections I make from using my camera as an ice breaker continuously build on themselves, and I'm starting to branch more and more into editorial work. I'm beginning to step out of my photojournalistic bubble, and I can't wait to continue along that path and see what happens!
Q: What have been the most challenging moments in your fashion career thus far?
A: Standing out and getting my work recognized has definitely been a challenge. These days, every girl with a good sense of style and a camera is a fashion blogger, and although I do identify myself as being under that umbrella, I also like to look at myself as a historian of sorts. I rarely put myself on my blog and dedicate myself to documenting what Austinites are wearing. I've got years of photographs spanning different trends, and I hope to keep this documentation up as long as possible. Who knows, maybe one day I'll put together a book filled with a timeline of Austin's unique style... I think that would be pretty cool!
Photo via ATX Street Style
Q: When you're discouraged, what do you run to or away from?
A: I'm one of those people who is constantly plugged in, so if I feel discouraged, I usually try to disconnect. I watch old movies like Breakfast at Tiffany's to help get over my "mean reds" and make lists of things I want to do or accomplish. Physically writing down my intentions is sometimes the best way to reaffirm them and get the ball rolling on the next project.
Your favorite band: I'm really into dreamy ethereal stuff right now that also has a good beat. FKA Twigs is a musical goddess, and I'm also digging Galimatias, particularly this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re-YrW3ujGI
Photo via ATX Street Style
Your favorite book: I've been reading the Christian Dior biography by Marie-France Pochna, which is an insightful look into what became a fashion powerhouse that shaped and defined so much of what we see in the fashion world today. I'm also, of course, a huge fan of "#GIRLBOSS" by Sophia Amoruso, which totally reaffirms that babes can do anything they set their mind to.
Your local Austin gem: I've always adored Charm School Vintage for providing me with some of my closet's most memorable one-of-a-kind pieces, but the place I go for cheap thrills is Family Thrift on Oltorf. You have to dig, but I've found some of my favorite everyday items (for under $10) there, and everything is organized by color! It makes all the digging you have to do a little more tolerable.
Photo via ATX Street Style
Your social media handles:
Tumblr: @atxstreetstyle
Facebook: facebook.com/atxstreetstyle
Twitter: @ATXStreet_Style
Instagram: @atxstreetstyle
Snapchat: @shelleyln
Photo via ATX Street Style