One of the Babes: Trash Vintage
Photo via Julia Dixon
Today, we feature a Q&A with Julia Dixon, the mother of Trash Vintage. We're stoked to have this babe and her killer wares for your shopping pleasures at our meet tomorrow.
Get to know Julia:
Q: What inspired you to start Trash Vintage?
A: Trash Vintage started from a dream of always doing something in the fashion industry. I moved to Austin two years ago to transfer universities so I could dual major in Fashion Merchandising and Business.
Thrifting had always been one of my favorite hobbies, and one day I realized that in order to maintain such a hobby, as a broke college kid, I had to figure out a way to make some extra cashβall while doing something I loved. I was working at New Bohemia/New Brohemia, at the time, which was a huge source of inspiration. One night, I was just messing around on Craigslist and stumbled upon a studio space for rent at a fairly cheap price off of E. 11th st. I thought to myself, What a sweet space that I could surround myself with other women and their businesses (jewelry, thrift, designer) all while working on my own. I emailed the babe of the space, and she got back to me right away, and before I knew it we all decided to have an open house to showcase our goods, as well as make some money of what we had to offer.
So, although Trash wasn't necessarily what I had dreamt up since a young girl, it became something so much more than an idea that day I vended at the open house for the first time. I fell in love and knew that doing vintage pop-ups was something that I wanted to keep pursuing, in the hopes of one day owning my own brick and mortar.
Photo via Julia Dixon
Q: Do you have any tidbits of advice for people with passion projects?
A: If I could give any valuable advice for someone with their own passion project, I would say that it's really easy to get caught up in what other people want from your passion, all because it's easy for them to judge. As human beings it is only natural to fear not being accepted or to have a fear of not succeeding, but I assure you that if you stay true to yourself and you really put forth effort into what it is you want to do, it WILL happen. I find the saying "You get what you put into it" to be the most truthful and something that I've lived by for the past year with Trash.
Q: How do you stay inspired?
A: Staying inspired is a pretty hard thing to do sometimes. I find that I'll get in ruts where I want to close myself off, and I want to automatically think that what I'm doing is silly. I feel that that's really just this fear of failure that resides in the back of my head, so I try my best to tune it out and make sure to be as on top as vending as my busy work schedule will allow. Every time I set up my racks at an event, big or small, I remember why I do what I do and then it all becomes worth it. It's an adrenaline rush like no other when someone tells you something they enjoy about an article of clothing I might have or that they appreciate my collection.
Other sources of inspiration I would say are definitely keeping my own fashion blog, listening to music, finding new artists, as well as going to shows. I find that I get a great amount of inspiration from musicians and that being around my boyfriend and friends that are [musicians] somehow becomes a direct correlation to Trash.
Photo via Julia Dixon
Q: What have been your favorite moments of creativity?
A: Some of my favorite moments of creativity were [working] with a photographer, make-up artist, hairstylist and model to style a shoot for Trash. Although it was something that I had never done before, it was something that came so naturally when I did it for the first time.
I also find that I want to be creative while listening to my favorite new album or just being out and about and trend-forecasting. Being the people-watcher that I am, I always love to keep an eye on what people are wearing. For example, I attended Levitation Fest 2015 and brought a little journal to jot down any cool outfit ideas I might have seen or any idea that might've come to mind while walking around. I felt that surrounding myself in an environment where I can see the way people express/individualize themselves is the best environment for creativity to come aboutβespecially because Trash is built on the idea that you can be whoever you want to be and to be that you shouldn't be afraid of what people might think.
I'm a firm believer that everyone should let their freak flag fly!
Q: What have been some of the most challenging moments in your careers thus far?
A: Some of the most challenging moments of my career thus far would probably have to be trying to juggle school, a job, as well as maintain Trash. Balance is key to accomplishing your dreams, so I would say finding that balance is the most difficult part of all.
Q: When you're discouraged, what do you run to or away from?
A: When I'm discouraged I tend to run toward alone time. I feel that having your own time to reflect in the comfort of your own home/room, or even favorite spot is the most important thing for someone to be aware of when pursuing a passion project. I like to go home, put on some music, take a hot bath with candles or even watch a movie to get style inspiration, browse my favorite fashion blogs, or catch up on the book that I've been reading. In the midst of all this, I always find myself being rejuvenated and ready to tackle my next idea for Trash.
Photo via Julia Dixon
Favorite band: Gosh! Picking a favorite artist is pretty hard. Of course I can always jam the Beatles, no matter what mode or what moment. If I'm feeling like partying, I'm always down to jam Ariel Pink's "Four Shadow" and Nico's "These Days" when strolling through my neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon.
Favorite book: I'm reading an autobiography right now called "Brain on Fire" that's about a NYC reporter that goes insane. My favorite genre of books are generally autobiographies whether it be on musicians, artists, fashion designers, etc.
Austin gem: My local Austin gem would definitely be End of an Ear. I always get my fix when I can buy a new CD, tape or vinyl. I'm also addicted to Polvo's. Their margaritas are the bomb.
Social Media: As for social media, I don't have a personal Instagram because I like to put all my efforts into Trash's. My personal Tumblr and constant source of inspiration is!
Photo via Julia Dixon