future front x pease park
We’re back for an afternoon of creative workshops, outdoor DJ sets and community vibes during Pease Park’s Squirrel Fest, an annual family-friendly day to celebrate Spring and Austin’s natural ecosystems—from community to the city’s iconic native squirrel.
Stop by the park to enjoy our curated workshops and DJ sets, alongside an outdoor screening of “The Wild Robot” on Saturday, April 12.
Free and open to the public. Family-friendly. Dog-friendly. Human-friendly.
Scroll for more details.
All-ages eco-crafts with Austin-based artists and creatives from Future Front’s programs:
Make A Clay Forest Friend with Tanya Zal
DIY Friendship Weavings with Future Front
Austin Bird Bingo with Where’d The Wild Things Go
Painting Picnic with Kayla Kennedy
All-Ages DJ sets in the park by HoneyPocket and Hierba Malita
Hands-on activities, yoga, food trucks and pop-ups (like Garbo’s and Gem’s Sweets Bakeshop), plus playtime in the park curated by Pease Park Conservancy and other Squirrel Fest partners
Outdoor film screening of “The Wild Robot (2024)”
SquirrelFest is free and open to the public, thanks to Pease Park Conservancy’s sponsors and donors.
No RSVP required. Please plan your visit to the park, utilizing the resources below.
Pease Park is located within the Kingsbury Commons at 1100 Kingsbury Street.
WHERE TO PARK: You can learn more about parking recommendations here.
WHAT TO DO: When you arrive, find your picnic spot, then browse around! You'll have plenty of vendors to meet, plus a chance to browse all of the pop-ups and surprises happening that day, too.
WHAT TO EAT/DRINK: Pease Park’s food court will be immaculate, but you can also bring your own foods and bevs.
All FFTX staff, volunteers and guests will be required to practice mutual respect, as well as demonstrate an alignment with Future Front’s code of conduct and values.
All sessions are held online or in outdoor, open-air spaces. Capacity is limited to reduce crowding of any kind.
All guests are required to practice mutual respect and social distancing, as well as follow APH’s COVID-19 Guidelines, which currently include:
At all levels, people can wear a mask based on personal preference, informed by their personal level of risk.
People with potential COVID-19 symptoms and/or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask, regardless of a negative test.
People with a positive COVID-19 test and/or not fully vaccinated should not participate in an in-person Future Front event or visit a Future Front location until they test negative and/or they are fully vaccinated and no longer at risk.
ACCESSIBILITY NOTES: The picnic is wheelchair-accessible. ASL interpreters can be provided upon request. Si necesita traducción al español para participar en este evento, envíenos un correo electrónico a hello@futurefronttexas.org.
GOT QUESTIONS? Shoot us a note at hello@futurefronttexas.org. We're happy to help and will get back to you!
Pease Park celebrates the diverse ecology and history that make Austin’s first public park valuable and unique.
The Conservancy works to restore, enhance and maintain this 84-acre public green space for the sustainable use and enjoyment of all. Learn more here.
Homegrown in Austin, Future Front is an award-winning cultural space and public exhibition series—with women and LGBTQ+ creatives at the front.
As a 501c3 arts and culture nonprofit, we produce two annual community-led exhibitions, The Front Market and The Front Festival, platforming independent artists and creatives across disciplines in Texas. Beyond our flagship exhibitions, we host seasonal shows and workshops at our creative space in East Austin, welcoming 20,000+ visitors per year.
Through these programs and a diverse network of partnerships, we invite the public (including you) to dream of a future where local art and creativity thrive in Texas—where we see ourselves and our cultures reflected in our communities.
FUTURE FRONT IS SUPPORTED IN PART BY The City of Austin Economic Development Department, ArtsHERE, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Texas Commission on the Arts, The LINE Hotel Austin, Pease Park Conservancy, the Red River Cultural District, Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation, Topo Chico, as well as Future Front’s donors and members.